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Mansoor bin Mohammed issues decision on terms and conditions for using name of Dubai by sports events

Based on Law No. 4 of 2017 amending Law No. (11) of 2009 regarding Dubai Sports Council issued by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of UAE, in his capacity as Ruler of Dubai, and the Executive Council Resolution No. (1) of 2020 Regulating Sports Establishments and Sports Events in the Emirate of Dubai, issued by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of The Executive Council of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mansoor Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Chairman of Dubai Sports Council, has issued Decision No.1 of 2021 regarding the terms and conditions for using the name of Dubai by sports events in the Emirate of Dubai.

Article 2 of the Decision states, It is prohibited to use the name Dubaiby a sports event, except after obtaining the prior approval of Dubai Sports Council, and the approval is issued in accordance with the conditions and procedures stipulated in the Executive Council’s Resolution and this decision.

Article 3 of the Decision specifies the conditions for using the name Dubaiby a sports event, and, in addition to the requirements stipulated in Executive Council Resolution No. 1 for the year 2020, stipulates the following:

* The applicant for use of the Dubai name must be a legal person licensed to work in the Emirate of Dubai, and must have a significant role at the local, regional and international levels.

* The sports event should have a significant positive impact on the Emirate of Dubai, and this impact is determined according to the evaluation and classification system.

* No person shall have the right to own the name or logo of the sporting event in which the name Dubai is required to be used.

* The name Dubai” should be used for the purpose of the sports event only and within the period specified in the approval.

Article 4 of the Decision defines the procedures for obtaining approval:

* Submit an application for approval on the prescribed form prepared by the Council for this purpose, and support the application with all the necessary documents requested by the Council in this regard.

* The Council shall study the application and verify that it fulfills all the conditions, and all necessary documents have been submitted. The Council may request the applicant to provide any further information that it deems necessary to make a decision on the application.

* The Council shall issue its decision of acceptance or rejection following due diligence, only after the request for approval and the required information is complete.

* In the event that the application is rejected, the Council shall inform the applicant of the reasons for rejection. Those whose applications have been rejected may submit a new application in the event that the reasons for rejection cease to exist.

Article 5 includes the conditions in which Dubai Sports Council may withdraw its consent to permit the use of the name Dubai” by sports events, and the conditions are:

·         The organizer of the sporting event violates any of the conditions for approval

·         If it becomes clear to the Council that the approval was issued based on incorrect data

·         In the case of insolvency or bankruptcy of the person for whom the approval was issued

·         The suspension of activity or cancellation of the license of the person for whom the approval was issued for any reason.

The new Decrees seeks enhancing the level of organisation of sporting events in the Emirate of Dubai, and make sure the name of “Dubai” is used only by sports events that meet set standards and exhibit a high level of organisation. The decision will also consolidate the process of registering the ownership of intellectual rights for sporting events bearing the name Dubai”, in cooperation and coordination with the Ministry of Economy.

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