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DHA delivers 920,000 medicines to patients’ homes for free

The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) revealed that 38,000 medical prescriptions, which included 310,000 types of medication and totaled 920,000 medicines were delivered through its “Dawa’ee” free medicine home delivery service.

The medication was delivered to patients’ homes across the country from the beginning of March to end of June, 2020.

Dr. Ali Al Sayed, Director of the Pharmaceutical Services Department at the DHA revealed earlier that when the authority initially launched the service last December, it was only covering Dubai, however due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it has expanded in March to include the whole country.

He said that the DHA’s Dawa’ee service aims to provides free medicine delivery across the UAE to the homes of elders and people of determination who require medicines on a regular basis to treat conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

The authority revealed that it has partnered with Talabat to increase the delivery fleet and  expand the Dawa’ee service to ensure that those who are most vulnerable to the symptoms of the coronavirus (COVID-19) receive their medication while they are safe at home.

Dr Sayed also stressed that the DHA’s 21 pharmacies are working day and night to cater to visitors of outpatient clinics and hospitals and that more than 2,000 medical prescriptions are dispensed per day.


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